message in a bottle

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

love binds

It's sooo cute!

Two friends in the ropes of finding out if there really is true love. I just realized that majority of my previous posts are daydreams speaking out loud. I haven't told much on real life stories, so here's my attempt on it...

I've been part of a couple for nearly 3 years now, and amongst other sour things, I am loving every minute of it. Even with all my emotional rantings, I feel blessed to have someone to share my life with, whether good or bad. Of course, there are those moments when you can't help but feel that it's a tiresome game, but at the end of the day, knowing that someone is part of you makes everything else all worth it.

So are most of my friends. We are a circle of couples. And of course, we usually go out as couples. There are actually 2 sets of couples' circle. The first one is the original maxi couples gang, which comprise of 4 couples (us included), 2 of which are already married. That's why whenever we all get together, there is always that funny question of "O, kayo kelan?". Wedding bells daw.

The other circle is the ex-maxi gang, which comprise of 4 couples as well (us included), 1 of which is the couple I am describing above. Technically, they're not a couple yet. And as much as we want to describe them as being in that stage of pa-cute pa to each other, they are not.

Theirs is a vague as vague can be. As unclear as tubig poso. Scratch and make that tubig kanal. The guy is not yet courting the girl. The girl is head over heels in love with the guy. Typical? Not in this case.

You see, the guy is the epitome of kind-heartedness. If you don't know anything about him, you would think he is getting ready to enter priesthood. He's downright simple, is not materialistic, goes to church very regulary, never swears, does not have a bad bone in his body, and gets shy when sex-related comments are being talked about.

As for the girl, complete opposite. She's the loud, out-going type who smokes, drinks, parties, sings karaokes, have a menagerie of character friends, dresses skimpily and takes green jokes with ease, even managing to throw in a few comments here and there.

So in the ideal world, they're as opposites as day and night. But the wonder of love seems to hold them together since they actually have one powerfull common interest - music! Both are music raves and so when they're together, they mostly talk about music.

The guy has been my friend longer and we as his friends, would kill for him to have a girlfriend already. We actually cannot imagine him having one, but then again, it's good to have a partner in life. Someone who will take care of you when you get old....

But, their love story is as twisted and confusing as ever.....

(to be continued..)

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