message in a bottle

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

walking zombie

I am flat out tired and drained.

It has been one heck of a week. Last week fled by so fast, I didn't know where it went.

It was a grusome, gruelling, tiring past week. The weekend passed by without me noticing it.

Here's the thing:

My boyfriend has been kept busy and tied up with his commitments to the Php90 million account, which he has been superbly giving all his time and effort to. The orientations were sadistic, to say the least. Imagine having to go from site to site, from morning till the wee hours of the night, conducting an hour and a half of orientation...every freakin day.

And the sites aren't even close by. The ironic thing about it is that the farther the site, the later the orientation schedule is. My boyfriend has to endure very little sleep on a daily basis since orientations at the far end of Cubao starts at 9 pm! What an inconsiderate account it really is becoming to be. He's just hoping all this effort pays off big time...and so am I.

I am just so utterly affected by all this...just because. Who would want a cranky, tired boyfriend? Lack of sleep really takes a toll on anyone, especially for someone like him who even participates in a sportfest. I just don't want him to rely on energy drinks and not have the sufficient rest and sleep he needs.

And then, we had a wedding to prepare for last weekend. To top everything off, the group was cramming to finish everything in time for the Sunday wedding. It doesn't help that the couple is so fickle-minded about everything and makes changes on the last minute. We had to endure late nights wrapping up souvenirs, revising the guest list for the nth time, re-doing the programme to fit the parents' specifications and so on.

It was just so tiring and I still have not recuperated from it all. Nor have anyone of us. I'm actually just waiting to pass out dead.

I will be so glad when this week is finally over. This is the last week of that stupid series of orientation (I hope) and I am really praying very hard that we can finally get our well-deserved rest.

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