beaten and broken
Funny how we think of the beginning when something in our lives has ended...The voice of Brad Pitt ringing in my head in that quiet scene from Mr. and Mrs. Smith....
I'm back again to this writing space after a really long time. My main reason is being so swamped out with work, I don't even have the time to even breathe sometimes..yep, that's how it feels.
It's been a busy, busy couple of months..not to mention it being loaded with drama so overwhelming I don't even know where to start...
Realization sets in...
It's hard to imagine parting ways with someone who has gotten so immersed and embedded in your life...a job, a career, a friend...a lover...
Just thinking of putting face amongst quizzical looks in your family and friends' faces is a like carrying tons of bricks at your back, knowing that every answer to their questions will be like a slap in the face...again...
When it happens to a close friend, a sister-like person in your life, gulping down every sordid detail also pains you...something I never thought I am capable of feeling.
You want to feel detached to the idea, as if you're just watching a sappy movie and hoping that like every story, a happy ending will unfold.
But this story has not yet needed. No one has moved on. We're still glued to our seats, waiting for further details to unravel.
Pieces are still broken...hearts are still being mended...coping is still out of the question...
The mystery in the air is so thick, it's suffocating...
Let us all breathe and take a rest from all these madness...