message in a bottle

Friday, August 18, 2006

contently balmy

The week is finally over...thank God!

It felt that even though I only had to go to work for 4 days (I had a Monday day-off), it's still as if the week has been dragging along.

So now, it's Friday. A supposedly TGIF-y feeling should swallow me now. And yet, it feels as if I am starting a new week. It is only me or am I just restraining myself from feeling giddy, looking forward to a wonderful 3-day weekend.

Things I should be happy about and be basking in all its glow:

1. Got my laptop yesterday. Not that it's worth a celebrating or whatever. Please, I'm not that pathetic. But a new thing is still a good thing right? And this is one of the new things I have in my life now. I have graduated from operating a desktop and is now a full-pledged workaholic fighting machine.

2. Company gave the mid-year bonus, in completion of the regular interim evaluation for all employees. This of course is fully based on one's performance. Bonus means extra cash. Probably before, it would mean shopping money for me. But over the years, I realized my future is worth more than material things. I know, I know, readers are not going to believe. But what they should know I save more than I spend. My savings and investments would be a testament to that.

3. I will officially be a manager by Sept. 1. 'Nuff said.

Yeah, I know, I know, things are quite looking up. I don't want to get way ahead of myself, running past my life in lightning speed. I don't want to stumble and be left with aching scars later on.

I firmly believe in taking things one day at a time.

I follow this in the way I deal with life. I am in no hurry to grow up just to live life. I don't want to miss out just because life seems to be running in a fast pace all the time.

I follow this in the way I deal with relationships. Treasure each day as it comes. Don't stress over the future. There will be no future if you do not take care of the present. Today is what counts. Making each day a wonderful day creates no regrets. No shoulda, woulda, coulda.

The ever cautious me doesn't allow me to propel high up in the sky to be blissfully happy.

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