message in a bottle

Thursday, May 24, 2007

digging deeper

I once read a blog post from a group friend that says:

"Sometimes, in our desire to be perfect for someone, we lose sight of ourselves in our imperfections. Yet, it's what makes us who we are. Perfect in all those imperfections"

Sad but true.

In this vast world where love seems to be the only answer sometimes, digging deeper and looking at yourself better makes you wonder why a person loves you the way they do.

Is it because you're pretty?
Is it because you're intelligent?
Is it because you're rich?
Is it because you're available?
Or is it simply because you make him happy?

Sometimes, the simpler a question may seem, the more difficult it is to find an answer.

However you want to make things smooth and okay, not perfect, the more it doesn't usually happen that way.

You change things about yourself for both of your convenience, more for him, just to sleep more soundly at night and keep your sanity, hoping that everything will get better after.

And yet, you realize that there really is no contentment in this world.

That as much as you have given more of yourself to make someone happy, there will always come a point you will come up short.

That he will still ask for things you will never understand, or even if you do, makes you wonder why this person says he loves you.

Love is holistic. It's not puzzle that gives you the free hand to take out the pieces.

And yet, every night when you lay in bed squeezing your brains out for a better answer, all you can ever find is this one reason...

Because you love him...

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